Source code for owlpy.polarisation.gridsearch
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OwlPy - AGPLv3
# This file is part of the OwlPy library. For licensing information see the
# accompanying file `LICENSE`.
# The OwlPy Developers, 21st century
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import numpy as np
from owlpy.util import get_traces_data_as_array, arange2, moving_sum
d2r = np.pi / 180.
[docs]def gridsearch_azimuth_rot_acc(traces, time_sum, azimuth_delta=5.):
Get direction of SH/Love waves from rotational and acceleration waveforms.
TODO: add method description
:param traces:
Waveforms of the signals to be analysed. Components are expected in the
order and polarity ``[rotation_rate_down, accelaration_north,
acceleration_east]``. The traces must be of same length, sampling rate
and data type.
:type traces:
list of :py:class:`obspy.Trace <obspy.core.trace.Trace>`
or :py:class:`pyrocko.Trace <pyrocko.trace.Trace>` objects
:param time_sum:
Length of gliding window for correlation determination [s].
:type time_sum:
:param azimuth_delta:
Azimuth grid step size [deg].
:type azimuth_delta:
:py:exc:`~owlpy.error.OwlPyError` if the input traces are
trace_rot_z, trace_acc_n, trace_acc_e = traces
data = get_traces_data_as_array([trace_rot_z, trace_acc_n, trace_acc_e])
deltat = trace_rot_z.deltat
irotz, iaccn, iacce = 0, 1, 2
nsamples = data.shape[1]
azimuths = arange2(0., 360. - azimuth_delta, azimuth_delta)
grid = np.zeros((azimuths.size, 2, nsamples))
for iazimuth, azimuth in enumerate(azimuths):
data_rot = data[irotz, :]
data_acc_t = -data[iaccn, :] * np.sin(azimuth*d2r) \
+ data[iacce, :] * np.cos(azimuth*d2r)
grid[iazimuth, 0, :] = data_rot * data_acc_t
grid[iazimuth, 1, :] = data_acc_t**2
nsum = int(np.round(time_sum / deltat))
sgrid = moving_sum(grid, nsum, mode='same')
srotz = moving_sum(data[irotz, :]**2, nsum, mode='same')
grid_correlations = sgrid[:, 0, :] \
/ (np.sqrt(sgrid[:, 1, :]) * np.sqrt(srotz)[np.newaxis, :])
max_indices = np.argmax(grid_correlations, axis=0)
max_correlations = grid_correlations[max_indices, np.arange(nsamples)]
max_azimuths = azimuths[max_indices]
times = trace_rot_z.tmin + np.arange(nsamples) * deltat
return times, azimuths, grid_correlations, max_azimuths, max_correlations