Source code for owlpy.tilt.correction

import math
import numpy as np

def _next_pow2(n):
    return 2**int(math.ceil(math.log(n)/math.log(2.0)))

def _nearest_pow2(x):
    Get nearest power of 2 for a given input x.

    :param x:
        arbitrary number
    :type x:

        the nearest power of 2 from x
    a = math.pow(2, math.ceil(np.log2(x)))
    b = math.pow(2, math.floor(np.log2(x)))
    if abs(a - x) < abs(b - x):
        return a
        return b

[docs]def transfer_function(response, source, dt, smooth): ''' Calculate transfer function and complex coherence between two signals. The transfer function is calculated from smoothed cross- and non-smoothed autospectral densities of source and response signal. Smoothing is done by convolution with a Blackman window. The complex transfer function, the autospectral densities, and a corresponding frequency vector are returned. :param response: Sample data of the response signal. :type response: numpy.ndarray :param source: Sample data of the source signal. :type tr_s: numpy.ndarray :param dt: Sampling interval [s]. :type dt: float :param smooth: Size of the Blackman window used for smoothing [Hz]. :type smooth: float :returns: (``freq``, ``XX``, ``YY``, ``Ars``, ``coh``) ``freq``: array of frequencies ``Grr``: autospectral density of response signal, ``Gss``: autospectral density of source signal, ``Ars``: source to response transfer function, ``coh``: smoothed complex coherence between source and response signal :rtype: 5-:py:class:`tuple` of :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` ''' assert response.size == source.size ndat = response.size nfft = int(_nearest_pow2(ndat)) nfft *= 2 gr = np.zeros(nfft) gs = np.zeros(nfft) gr[:ndat] = response gs[:ndat] = source # perform ffts Gr = np.fft.rfft(gr)*dt Gs = np.fft.rfft(gs)*dt freq = np.fft.rfftfreq(nfft, dt) # calculate autospectral and crossspectral densities Grs = (Gr*Gs.conjugate()) Grr = (Gr*Gr.conjugate()) Gss = (Gs*Gs.conjugate()) nsmooth = int(round(smooth/(freq[1] - freq[0]))) if nsmooth != 0: w = np.blackman(nsmooth) Grs_smooth = np.convolve(Grs, w, mode='same') Grr_smooth = np.convolve(Grr, w, mode='same') Gss_smooth = np.convolve(Gss, w, mode='same') else: Grs_smooth = Grs Grr_smooth = Grr Gss_smooth = Gss Crs_smooth = Grs_smooth / np.sqrt(Grr_smooth * Gss_smooth) # calculate transfer function Ars = Crs_smooth * np.sqrt(Grr / Gss) return freq, Grr, Gss, Ars, Crs_smooth
[docs]def remove_tilt( response, source, dt, fmin=None, fmax=None, parallel=True, threshold=0.5, smooth=1.0, g=9.81, method='coh', trans_coh=None): ''' Remove tilt noise from translational accelerometer recordings. See the ``method`` argument for different correction options. The correction can optionally be applied only in a selected frequency band. The method is described in [BernauerEtAl2020]_ and is based on the work of [CrawfordAndWebb2000]_. :param response: Data samples of the accelerometer signal [m/s**2]. :type response: numpy.ndarray :param source: Data samples of the tilt signal [rad]. :type source: numpy.ndarray :param dt: Sampling interval [s]. :type dt: float :param fmin: Minimum frequency for band-limited correction [Hz]. Only applicable in ``'coh'`` and ``'freq'`` methods. :type fmin: :py:class:`float` or ``None`` :param fmax: Maximum frequency for band-limited correction [Hz]. Only applicable in ``'coh'`` and ``'freq'`` methods. :type fmax: :py:class:`float` or ``None`` :param parallel: Flag to indicate if tilt and acceleration axes are parallel (``True``) or antiparallel (``False``). :type parallel: bool :param threshold: Correction is applied only where ``abs(coherence) >= threshold``. Only applicable in ``'coh'`` method. :type threshold: float :param smooth: Size of the Blackman window [Hz] used for smoothing when calculating the coherence with :py:func:`tilt_utils.transfer_function`. Only applicable in ``'coh'`` and ``'freq'`` methods. :type smooth: float :param g: Gravitational acceleration [m/s**2]. :type g: float :param method: Correction method to use. ``'coh'``: apply theoretical transfer function where coherence is significant (via frequency domain), ``'freq'``: use empirical transfer function estimate (via frequency domain), ``'direct'``: apply theoretical transfer function directly (in time domain). :type method: str :param trans_coh: If given, previously calculated transfer function and complex coherence between the tilt and accelerometer signals, used to decide where to apply the correction. The size of the given arrays must match the size of the spectra of ``source`` and ``response`` (the same zero-padding has to be applied). If set to ``None``, it is computed from ``response`` and ``source`` using :py:func:`tilt_utils.transfer_function`. :type trans_coh: (:py:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`) or ``None`` :returns: Data samples of corrected accelerometer signal [m/s**2]. :rtype: numpy.ndarray ''' assert response.size == source.size assert method in ('direct', 'coh', 'freq') sign = 1.0 if parallel else -1.0 if method == 'direct': return response - sign * g * np.sin(source) ndat = response.size nfft = int(_nearest_pow2(ndat)) nfft *= 2 if trans_coh is None: Ars, coh = transfer_function(response, source, dt, smooth)[-2:] else: Ars, coh = trans_coh Gr = np.fft.rfft(response, nfft) Gs = np.fft.rfft(source, nfft) freq = np.fft.rfftfreq(nfft, dt) assert Ars.shape == Gr.shape assert coh.shape == Gr.shape mask = np.where(np.abs(coh) >= threshold, 1.0, 0.0) if fmin is not None: mask[freq < fmin] = 0.0 if fmax is not None: mask[freq > fmax] = 0.0 if method == 'coh': corr = sign * g * Gs * mask elif method == 'freq': corr = sign * np.conjugate(Ars) * Gs else: raise ValueError('Invalid `method` argument: %s' % method) return np.fft.irfft(Gr - corr)[:ndat]